Making the most of your Fleet and Facilities Transit Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Software
What is EAM?
IBM defines Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) as a combination of software, systems, and services used to maintain and control operational assets and equipment. Transit EAM tools work by maintaining and establishing control for physical assets and equipment to expand their lifecycles on the fleet and facilities side. The goal is to decrease operational costs while maintaining the lifespan of any assets and optimal safety standards.
TransTrack ManagerTM has full Fleet and Facilities, modules to make EAM tracking easier than ever. In addition, TransTrack’s Transit Asset Management (TAM) tools provide comprehensive management of fleet, equipment, and facility asset management.
“The EAM tool of TransTrack Manager is to help maintain the functionality of the equipment and facilities and to minimize breakdowns. This tool will also help eliminate time-consuming and costly manual tracking processes,” said Chris McDonald, Senior Technical Product Specialist at TransTrack.
Why is it important?
With vehicles physically rolling in and out of facilities, it can be hectic in maintenance shops. EAM software allows for agencies to:
- Increase efficiency
- Improve productivity
- Allows for high-level reporting
- Manage data integrity accurately
- Break down data silos within the organization
Each agency has unique constraints and needs. Some agencies need to focus more on the facilities while others need fleet and many need both. It is important to choose software that fits your specific needs when planning to right-size your fleet and your facilities.
What should your transit EAM tool have?
- The ability to pull high-level reports so that agencies can better plan for their maintenance budgets. Within that, it makes sense for agencies to be able to break down their reports by different reporting groups, including zones, zip codes, etc.
- The ability to restrict security rights by position to maintain data integrity of your agency
- The ability to work with fueling stations built into the facility to keep track of your fluids
- The ability to keep track of your inventory on a daily basis, know what needs to be ordered and when
- The ability to create purchase orders to vendors and to be able to receive those purchase orders
- Tire Management - the ability to keep track of tire movements and tire inventory
- The ability to create not only Work Orders but Work Request in case someone sees an item that needs to be worked on but maybe not right away
- The ability to have a preventive maintenance program
- The ability to keep track of labor cost and vendor cost
- The ability to see equipment history
- The ability to support audits
- The ability to support road calls

What does the TransTrack Fleet EAM module have?
- Parts Inventory: Parts/components entry and tracking by vehicle.
- Work Order Management: Entry and tracking labor entries by clock or duration of effort
- Team Notes: Generous notes fields on all key entry points
- Facility Condition Assessment: Entry and tracking of overall asset condition and useful life
- Outside Labor Management: Tracking parts, labor, and general charges.
- Automated Fleet Scheduling: Automate preventive maintenance scheduling and schedule independent non-preventive maintenance activity
- Road Call Management: Entry, tracking, reporting, and generation of work orders for follow-up work
- Operator Defect Reporting: Report entry, scheduling, and generation of work orders with tracking by vehicle, operator, and issue
- Warranty Management: Tracking on vehicles and parts/components, display all warranties applicable to fleet vehicle or installed components. Historical review of all warranty work
- Fuel Management: Fuel and mileage entry, tracking, and reporting. Interface with automated fueling systems or manual entry
- Financial Reporting: Comprehensive fleet maintenance cost tracking and reporting

What does the TransTrack ManagerTM Facilities Module have?
- Parts Inventory: Parts/components entry and tracking by facility location.
- Work Order Management: Entry and tracking labor entries by clock or duration of effort
- Work Request
- Meter Entries
- Purchasing and Receiving
- 27 canned reports from maintenance reports to inventory and purchasing, as well as customizable reporting capabilities
- Team Notes: Generous notes fields on all key entry points
- Outside Labor Management: tracking parts, labor, and general charges
- Defect Reporting: Report entry, scheduling, and generation of work orders with tracking by issue
- Warranty Management: Tracking on facility parts/components, display all applicable warranties. Historical review of all warranty work
What does the TransTrack ManagerTM Transit Asset Management (TAM) Module have?
- Facilities Condition Assessment Tools
- Facilities Capital Planning Tools
- Fleet and Equipment Replacement Planning Tools
- Fleet and Equipment State of Good Repair Planning tools
- Bus Stop Management Tools
- Multiple reports to support TAM planning and reporting needs.

More information
Using TransTrack’s transit EAM module, you will have the ability to monitor and maintain your fleet in readily available templates, made specifically for transit agencies.
Find out more information today by clicking here.
-TransTrack Solutions Group-
TransTrack Solutions Group (TTSG) is home to the TransTrack Manager, a scalable enterprise data management system, serving more than 50 agencies for over 20 years. TTSG prides itself on hiring transit professionals to serve other transit professionals. TTSG can and has managed NTD ridership reporting from all sources. For more information, visit our website at
The authors:
Chris McDonald, Senior Technical Product Specialist
Kelly Coughlin-Tran, Director of Marketing & New Initiatives at TransTrack Solutions Group