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Transit Data, NTD, National Transit Database, Transit Software, TransTrack Systems, TransTrack Solutions, TransTrack Manager, TransTrack EAM, TransTrack Facilities EAM, Transit Analytics, Operations Reporting, Customer Service Reporting, APC Certification, TransTrack Solutions Group, Data Analysis Tools, Transit Agencies, Transit Industry, Business Analytics, Transit Business, Transit Performance, Ridership Data Reporting, Safety Reporting, Transit Intelligence, Transit Operations, Transit Finance, Transit Maintenance, TAM, Transit Fleets, Fleet Maintenance, Transit Operating Efficiency, Transit KPIs, AVL Data, Transit Tools, TransTrack Enterprise Asset Management, Parts Inventory, TransTrack EAM Fleet, Fuel Management, Tire Management, Local Bus, Highway Coach, Light Rail, Heavy Rail, Passenger Ferry, Consulting Group, Transit Asset Management, Transit Reporting, Short Range Transit Plan, Strategic Planning, Transit Strategic Planning, Transit Consulting, Service Development.
Transit Data, NTD, National Transit Database, Transit Software, TransTrack Systems, TransTrack Solutions, TransTrack Manager, TransTrack EAM, TransTrack Facilities EAM, Transit Analytics, Operations Reporting, Customer Service Reporting, APC Certification, TransTrack Solutions Group, Data Analysis Tools, Transit Agencies, Transit Industry, Business Analytics, Transit Business, Transit Performance, Ridership Data Reporting, Safety Reporting, Transit Intelligence, Transit Operations, Transit Finance, Transit Maintenance, TAM, Transit Fleets, Fleet Maintenance, Transit Operating Efficiency, Transit KPIs, AVL Data, Transit Tools, TransTrack Enterprise Asset Management, Parts Inventory, TransTrack EAM Fleet, Fuel Management, Tire Management, Local Bus, Highway Coach, Light Rail, Heavy Rail, Passenger Ferry, Consulting Group, Transit Asset Management, Transit Reporting, Short Range Transit Plan, Strategic Planning, Transit Strategic Planning, Transit Consulting, Service Development.


Navigate the world of transit agency management software with ease using our list of most commonly asked questions. Whether you're curious about data consolidation, financial integration, reporting, or any other aspect of our offerings, you'll find valuable information that empowers you to make informed decisions and enhance your transit agency's performance.

Using TransTrack

01 Where can TransTrack pull data from?

TransTrack Manager™ acts as a system consolidator or data warehouse focused exclusively on key transit agency information for display using business analytics. Summary data may be imported from an existing system, such as finance, planning, or marketing, or entered directly at the summary or transaction level. 

02 Are there any access limitations?

No! The benefit of using Transtrack is that it consolidates data between multiple departments and breaks down silos. You can grant access to as many people who need it.

03 How long does it take to set up TransTrack software?

After connecting your related data sources, TransTrack starts providing insights within 24 hours. TransTrack’s typical implementation is less than 6 months.

Reporting and Data Analysis

01 What reporting metrics does TransTrack offer?

TransTrack software includes 16 primary KPIs, hundreds of measurable metrics, and 271 standard reports for immediate use relating to:

  • Operations
  • Passengers
  • Finance
  • Maintenance
  • Customer Service
  • Asset Management
02 What can my transit agency learn from TransTrack data and reports?

By having a consolidated view of transit data, your agency can confidently evaluate and guide business decisions on route stops, vehicle health, ridership, operational costs, and more. You’ll be able to easily stay compliant with local and federal regulations, show your value to community leaders, and swiftly adapt to community needs.

03 Are TransTrack reports shareable?

Yes. Easily share with anyone from senior management to operational resources in one click, or download a PDF when needed.

04 How does TransTrack help us with our NTD reporting?

TransTrack Manager™ collects all of your transit data in one place, making it easier to manage and report transit statistical information to the Federal Transit Administration and the National Transit Database (NTD). Our system uses canned reporting tools to automate the data reporting, so your annual reports are just one click away. For most TransTrack clients, our software prepares 95% of NTD reports automatically, allowing them to focus on the bigger picture. TransTrack saves staff time and ensures that the data you send to NTD is accurate and reliable.


01 Does TransTrack software incorporate our financial data?

Yes. TransTrack Manager™ stands out as the innovative solution to combine agency-wide transit financial reporting with operational data to provide an effective performance review.

02 Do you include financial allocations based on multiple factors?

Yes. Transit leaders often want to identify appropriate cost allocations to specific accounts and line items for accurate KPI reporting. TransTrack Manager™ offers custom cost allocations based on various inputs, including service types, service hours, service miles, and administrative and overhead costs. This flexible allocation system allows you to focus on the aspects of your business that provide the maximum benefit.


01 What is transit EAM?

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) is a combination of software, systems, and services used to maintain and control operational assets and equipment. Transit EAM tools work by maintaining and establishing control for physical assets and equipment to expand their lifecycles on the fleet and facilities side. The goal is to decrease operational costs while maintaining the lifespan of any assets and optimal safety standards. This is done through the management of warranty claims and the scheduling of preventative maintenance per your agency’s guidelines, for example.

02 What does TransTrack EAM software do?

TransTrack Manager has full Fleet and Facilities Modules to make EAM tracking easier than ever. In addition, TransTrack’s Transit Asset Management (TAM) tools provide comprehensive management of fleet, inventory & equipment, and facility asset management.

03 How does EAM software help transit agencies?

With vehicles physically rolling in and out of facilities, it can be hectic in maintenance shops. EAM software allows for transit agencies to:

  • Increase efficiency
  • Manage warranty claims
  • Manage inventory
  • Keep track of time for repairs
  • Improve productivity
  • Allow for high-level reporting
  • Manage data integrity accurately
  • Break down data silos within the organization


01 How does TransTrack software help us manage our transit operations?

TransTrack Manager™ includes tools to monitor and track 16 standard Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), 271 canned reports, traditional analytics, and customized self-analytics. Agencies use this data to track the effectiveness of business operations and service changes throughout the year. TransTrack Manager™ includes executive and operational reporting tools to prepare customized Monthly, Quarterly, or Annual operational reports to present to your board, elected officials, or the public.

02 How many vehicles can I track?

There is no limit to how many vehicles you can track within TransTrack software. We have a range of transit agencies with fleets of below 25 vehicles to 300+ that have all found success. Plus, you have peace of mind since adding to or deleting from your vehicle count doesn’t affect pricing.

03 What type of vehicles can I track?

Whatever types of vehicles your transit agency has! We collect data for gas and diesel-powered vehicles of all sizes in each of our modules, while the Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Module is designed specifically to track electric fleets


01 What areas of maintenance does TransTrack monitor?

TransTrack is your comprehensive solution for:

  • Fleet maintenance
  • Parts inventory
  • Purchasing and work order management
  • Fuel management
  • Tire management
02 Can we automate any of the maintenance processes?

Yes. Manage your facilities with ease by turning manual and reactive maintenance into proactive steps using our automated fleet scheduling software. Set reminders, alerts, and notifications to efficiently organize vehicle maintenance cycles, parts inventory stocking, and warranties.

03 What if I use outside vendors for maintenance?

Not a problem! You can use TransTrack to house information for third-party labor management, too.

APC Certification

01 Do I need APC Certification if my fleet already has APCs?

Yes, if you plan on relying on the data to make decisions, lobby for grants, optimize routes, and submit with NTD reporting. Raw APC data contains discrepancies that need correction before your transit agency can responsibly utilize and apply the data.

02 How soon do I need to get APC Certification after purchasing my APCs?

According to the NTD Sampling Manual: “You must meet this requirement of getting FTA certification for the first report year for which you use your APC data for NTD reporting, any mandatory recertification year (FY2022, FY2025, FY2028, etc.), and any other year during which you install new and substantially different APC equipment.”

03 Does TransTrack perform APC Certification?

Yes. Our proprietary data cleansing and expansion methods and in-house NTD qualified statistician will properly cleanse, expand, and verify your data to attain the necessary statistical significance.

04 How long does APC Certification take?

We can complete APC Certification in as little as six months if you are already collecting some APC data today. 

05 Does my whole fleet need APCs in order to obtain certification?

No. Agencies can easily be APC certified with as low as 40% APC deployment on the fleet. Our process samples your APC data across the whole service area over time, identifying ridership patterns and making practical applications of your APC hardware. 

06 What if my fleet uses multiple brands and types of APCs?

We can certify a fleet with various APC models as long as the data is readily available.

Zero Emission Buses

01 Does my fleet need ZEB fleet software?

Working with ZEB analytics software presents incredible opportunities: gain access to invaluable insights that empower you to efficiently manage your fleet, make well-informed business decisions, and optimize your processes to their fullest potential. Our TransTrack Manager™ ZEB Module allows you to collect, report, and analyze electric fleet data to make educated decisions about service levels for your agency. Simplify your costs, better understand your vehicle charging data, and acquire reputable data based on our Emissions Factor Modeling.

02 What grants are available to support ZEB fleet and software purchases?

Below is a list of popular grants for purchasing ZEBs and related infrastructure. Simply go to the Federal Transit Association website to apply for them:

03 What metrics does the TransTrack ZEB Module track?

The TransTrack Manager™ Zero Emissions Bus (ZEB) Module allows you to thoroughly analyze your emissions, operation costs, and operating efficiency of old and new fleets to ensure your vehicles comply with federal regulations. Our system tracks the following:

  • Annual Emissions
  • Monthly Emissions Outputs for CO2, NOx, SOx, and Particulate Matter
  • CO2 Offset
  • Battery Life & Remaining Battery Capacity 
  • Range Performance
  • Electricity Pricing Per Mile
  • Operator Performance
  • Operating Efficiency
04 How is TransTrack different from other ZEB-tracking software?

TransTrack is the only system that calculates the electricity pricing per mile, giving the fleet an accurate cost-per-mile. Simply input your utility data, and TransTrack will automatically calculate your utility costs for operating the ZEB fleet.

TransTrack Consulting & Customer Service

01 What do you offer in terms of customer service and ongoing support?

TransTrack Solutions Group takes pride in providing personalized customer service. Our Customer Service Team responds to client inquiries via email or phone Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm CDT. Most issues are responded to in a timely manner (typically within a few hours).

02 Can TransTrack help us organize and apply our data?

Yes. We offer consulting services where we can ensure your highest priority KPIs are tracked, visible, and actionable. As a team of transit management professionals, we have first-hand experience of how TransTrack’s insights have a tangible impact on transit agency decisions. We’ll help with:

  • Transit financial planning and cost analyses
  • Organizational strategy and business process redesign
  • Performance reporting and management information systems
  • Management and operations efficiency and effectiveness studies
  • Privatization and out-sourcing analyses
  • Cost reduction strategy studies
  • Transit and paratransit operations analysis and service planning
  • National Transit Database Reporting
  • Implementation and support of the TransTrack Manager™ web application

Need Something Else?

Please reach out with any additional questions. Get started transforming your agency’s data today!


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